Best Seller on Udemy!

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On the 1st of March 2018, we took a bold step of faith to put our Financial Reporting and Analysis (FRA) course on Udemy.

For those of you who are new to Udemy, it is the world’s largest marketplace for online courses. Think of it like the EBay of online courses.

So imagine our trepidation in pitting our course in this highly competitive platform, against the many CFA prep providers already entrenched on the platform.


Yes, that’s the word that aptly describes the response to our course from the Udemy community.

“Best Seller” Tag

The “Best Seller” tag from Udemy is attached to only one best selling course in its category. In just 1 month, our FRA course became the best selling CFA course on the platform. If you do a search for ‘CFA Level 1’, our course comes out on top in the search rankings.

Global Reach

Since the launch on 1 March, we have had more than 250 paid enrolments. While we are heartened by this figure, nothing beats knowing that our course has reached 50 countries around the world! It was simply heartwarming to receive messages from students from countries we barely know about, telling us how much they love the course and their wish that we would produce more of such courses. This certainly spurs us on to produce more materials to ease the burden of CFA candidates worldwide.

Awesome Ratings

As of today, our course has a high average rating of 4.8 out of 5.0. 74% of the reviewers gave us 5 stars! We take this as endorsement that we are doing things right, and will continue in using the Pareto principle approach for our course materials. There are, of course, constructive feedback as well, and we aim to incorporate some of the feedback in producing the upcoming courses.

Moving Forward

We are working hard to bring more of our courses to Udemy! We realise some candidates prefer to purchase courses as they need individually, so we endeavour to give more options to our potential students. Check out our Udemy Courses Page to find out which of our courses are available on Udemy for your purchase.

Special Offer for Udemy Students

If you have purchased our course on Udemy and would like to continue with the PrepNuggets study approach for other topics, we have an awesome upgrade offer to Premium membership for you!

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