Quick reference items are fully complete for all Level I CFA® topics.
- 2-stage Growth Model
- 30/360 convention
- Accounting for intangible assets
- Accounting profit
- Accounts payable
- Accounts receivable
- Accrual accounting
- Accrued interest
- Accrued liabilities
- Active short-term investment strategy
- Activity ratios
- Actual/Actual convention
- Addition rule
- Adjusted R-squared
- Agency bonds
- Agency costs of equity
- Agency relationship
- Agency RMBS
- Agent
- Aggregate demand
- Aggregate supply
- All-inclusive quote
- Alternative hypothesis
- Alternative Trading Systems
- American Depository Receipt
- American option
- American-style option
- Amortisation
- Amortising bonds
- Anchoring and adjustment bias
- Annual General Meeting
- Annuity
- Annuity due
- ANOVA table
- Appraisal index
- ApproxCon
- Approximate convexity
- Approximate modified duration
- ApproxModDur
- A priori probability
- Arbitrage
- Arithmetic mean
- AR model
- Arms index
- Ascending triangle
- Ask price
- Asset Allocation
- Asset-Backed Securities
- Asymmetric information
- At-the-money
- Auditor’s opinion
- Autarky
- Autocorrelation
- Autoregressive model
- Availability bias
- Available-for-sale securities
- Average cost method
- Backfill bias
- Backup lines of credit
- Backwardation
- Bad debt reserve
- Balance of Payments
- Balance sheet
- Balloon payment
- Balloon risk
- Bank guarantee
- Bar chart
- Base fee
- Base-rate neglect
- Basic EPS
- Basis point
- Basket of Listed Depository Receipts
- Bayes' formula
- Bearer bonds
- Belief perseverance bias
- Benchmark bonds
- Benchmark issue
- Benchmark rate
- Benchmark spread
- Benchmark yield
- Bernoulli random variable
- Best efforts offering
- Best-in-class
- Best-in-class screening
- BG Test
- Bid–ask spread
- Bid-offer spread
- Bid price
- Big data
- Bilateral loan
- Bill-and-hold transaction
- Binomial distribution
- Binomial model
- Block broker
- Blockchain
- Bollinger band
- Bond auction
- Bond duration
- Bond Equivalent Yield
- Bond indenture
- Book building
- Book value
- Book value of equity
- Book value per share
- Box and whisker plot
- bp
- BP Test
- Breakeven point
- Breakeven quantity of sales
- Breusch-Godfrey test
- Breusch-Pagan Test
- Broad market index
- Broker
- Broker-Dealer
- Brokered market
- Brownfield investments
- Bullet bond
- Business risk
- Callable bond
- Call deferment period
- Call market
- Call money rate
- Call option
- Call protection period
- Call provision
- Candlestick chart
- Cannibalisation
- CapEX
- Capital Account
- Capital Allocation Line
- Capital Asset Pricing Model
- Capital Expenditures
- Capitalisation
- Capitalisation rate
- Capitalised interest
- Capital lease
- Capital market expectations
- Capital Market Line
- Capital protected instruments
- Capital rationing
- Cap rate
- Carhart Model
- Carrying value
- Cash conversion cycle
- Cash flow per share
- Cash flow per share ratio
- Cash flow statement
- Cash flow to revenue ratio
- Cash flow yield
- Cash from financing activities
- Cash from investing activities
- Cash from operating activities
- Cash ratio
- Cash return on assets ratio
- Cash return on equity ratio
- Cash-settled forward contract
- Cash to income ratio
- Central bank funds rates
- Central exchange
- Central limit theorem
- Certificate of deposit
- Change in polarity
- Channel stuffing
- Chebyshev’s inequality
- Chi-Square test
- Classification of cash flows
- Classified balance sheet
- Clean price
- Clearinghouse
- Clearing instructions
- Closed-end fund
- Closed-end mutual funds
- CoCos
- Coefficient of determination
- Coefficient of Variation
- Collateralised Debt Obligations
- Collateralised Mortgage Obligation
- Collaterals
- Collateral trust bonds
- Collateral yield
- Combination formula
- Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities
- Commercial paper
- Committed capital
- Common shares
- Common-Size Analysis
- Common stock
- Complex capital structure
- Component depreciation method
- Comprehensive income
- Conditional Prepayment Rate
- Conditional probability
- Conditional Value at risk
- Confidence interval
- Confirmation bias
- Confusion matrix
- Conservatism bias
- Constant-yield price trajectory
- Consumer Price Index
- Consumer surplus
- Contango
- Contingency provision
- Contingency table
- Contingent convertible bonds
- Continuation pattern
- Continuous compounding
- Continuous market
- Continuous random variable
- Continuous trading market
- Contraction risk
- Contracts for differences
- Contributed capital
- Convenience yield
- Conventional cash flow
- Conversion parity
- Conversion premium
- Conversion price
- Conversion ratio
- Conversion value
- Convertibility provision
- Convertible bonds
- Convertible preference shares
- Convertible preference shares
- Convertible preferred shares
- Convertible preferred stock
- Convert LIFO to FIFO statement
- Convexity adjustment
- Cook's Distance
- Corporate Credit Rating
- Corporate exhaust
- Corporate Family Rating
- Corporation
- Correlation
- Cost flow method
- Cost model
- Cost of goods sold
- Cost of preferred stock
- Cost of trade credit
- Cost-Push Inflation
- Costs of asymmetric information
- Coupon bonds yield curve
- Coupon rate
- Covariance
- Covariance stationarity
- Covariance stationary
- Coverage ratios
- Covered bonds
- Covered interest rate parity
- Credit analysis
- Credit Default Swap
- Credit derivative
- Credit enhancements
- Credit-linked bonds
- Credit-Linked Note
- Credit migration risk
- Credit rating
- Credit rating agencies
- Credit ratings agency
- Credit risk
- Credit spread option
- Credit terms
- Credit tranching
- Critical value
- Cross exchange rate
- Cross-price Elasticity of Demand
- Cross rate
- Cross-Sectional Analysis
- Cumulative preference shares
- Cumulative voting
- Currency option bonds
- Current Account
- Current assets
- Current liabilities
- Current ratio
- Current yield
- CVaR
- Cyclical companies
- Cyclical Unemployment
- Data mining bias
- Days of Inventory on Hand
- Days Sales Outstanding
- Dead cross
- Deadweight loss
- Dealer
- Dealer market
- Debentures
- Debt covenants
- Debt coverage ratio
- Debt payment ratio
- Debt ratios
- Debt-to-asset ratio
- Debt-to-capital ratio
- Debt-to-equity ratio
- Debt-to-Service Coverage Ratio
- Decennial pattern
- Declaration date
- Default risk
- Default risk premium
- Defensive companies
- Defensive interval ratio
- Defensive ratio
- Deferred coupon bonds
- Deferred tax assets
- Deferred tax liabilities
- Defined benefit plan
- Defined contribution plan
- Deflation
- Degree of Financial Leverage
- Degree of Operating Leverage
- Degree of Total Leverage
- Deliverable forward
- Demand function
- Demand-Pull Inflation
- Dependent variable
- Depository institutions
- Depository Receipt
- Depreciation
- Derecognition
- Descending triangle
- Descriptive statistics
- Development capital
- Diluted EPS
- Dilutive securities
- Direct financing lease
- Direct method
- Dirty price
- Discontinued operations
- Discount amortisation
- Discounted cash flow models
- Discounted payback period
- Discount margin
- Discrete random variable
- Disinflation
- Distressed investing
- Diversification Ratio
- Dividend Discount Model
- Dividend payment ratio
- Dividend payout ratio
- Double declining balance method
- Double top
- Downgrade risk
- Dual-currency bonds
- Dummy variable
- DuPont analysis
- DuPont system of analysis
- Duration gap
- Durbin-Watson Test
- DW Test
- Earnings guidance
- Earnings per share
- EBIT margin
- Economic order quantity–reorder point
- EffDur
- Effective annual rate
- Effective annual yield
- Effective convexity
- Effective duration
- Effective interest amortisation method
- Effective interest rate
- Effective interest rate method
- Effective tax rate
- Effective yield
- Efficient frontier
- Efficient market
- Elasticity
- Electronic Communication Networks
- Elliott wave theory
- Akaike’s Information Criterion
- Bayesian Information Criterion
- Embedded option
- Emotional bias
- Endowment bias
- Enterprise value
- Enterprise value multiple
- Equal weighting
- Equipment trust certificates
- Equity method
- Equity tranche
- ESG integration
- ESG investing
- Eurobonds
- Eurocommercial Paper
- European option
- European-style option
- EV
- EV multiple
- Excess kurtosis
- Exchange-Traded Funds
- Ex-dividend date
- Exercise price
- Exhaustive events
- Expected loss
- Expected value
- Expenses
- Expiration date
- Export Subsidies
- Extension risk
- Externality
- Extraordinary items
- Face value
- Fair value
- Fair value model
- Fair Value Reporting Option
- Fama and French Model
- Fama-French Model
- Farmland
- FCFE Model
- FCF-to-Debt ratio
- FCInv
- Fed funds rate
- FFO-to-Debt ratio
- Fidelity bond
- Fiduciary call
- FIFO method
- Finance lease
- Financial Account
- Financial Accounting Standards Board
- Financial distress
- Financial leverage ratio
- Financial risk
- Financial statement analysis framework
- Financial system
- Financing activities
- Financing cash flow
- Fiscal Multiplier
- Fiscal policy
- Fisher effect
- Fisher index
- Fixed asset turnover ratio
- Fixed Capital Investments
- Fixed-charge coverage ratio
- Fixed costs
- Fixed-for-floating interest rate swap
- Flat price
- Float adjusted market cap weighting
- Floaters
- Floating-Rate Notes
- Flotation cost
- Footnotes
- Forward contract
- Forward exchange rate
- Forward price
- Forward rate
- Forward Rate Agreement
- Forward rate parity
- Forward valuation
- Fractile
- Fractional Reserve Banking
- Framing bias
- Free cash flow
- Free Cash Flow to Equity
- Free Cash Flow to the Firm
- Free-on-board
- Frequency distribution
- Frequency polygon
- Frictional Unemployment
- F-statistic
- F-test
- Full price
- Fully amortising loan
- Fundamental analysis
- Fundamental weighting
- Fund of funds
- Fund of hedge funds
- Funds From Operations
- Futures contract
- Futures price
- Future value
- FV
- GDP Deflator
- GDP Deflator
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
- General obligation bonds
- General partner
- General partnership
- Geometric mean
- Giffen good
- Global Depository Receipt
- Global registered shares
- Golden cross
- Goodwill
- Gordon Growth Model
- Government equivalent yield
- Greenfield investments
- Gross domestic product
- Gross National Product
- Gross Profit Margin
- G-spread
- Guarantee certificate
- Harmonic mean
- Head-and-shoulders pattern
- Headline Inflation
- Heat map
- Hedged portfolio
- Hedge fund fee structure
- Hedge funds
- Hedge fund strategies
- Held-to-maturity securities
- Herding
- Heteroskedasticity
- Hidden order
- High leverage
- High water mark
- High yield bonds
- Hindsight bias
- Histogram
- Historical simulation
- Holder-of-record date
- Holding Period Return
- Holding Period Yield
- Home bias
- Horizontal common-size statement
- Hurdle rate
- Hyperinflation
- Iceberg order
- IFRS framework
- Illusion of control bias
- Implied forward rate
- Incentive fee
- Income Elasticity of Demand
- Income statement
- Income tax expense
- Independent events
- Independent variable
- Index-linked bonds
- Index reconstitution
- Indifference curve
- Indirect method
- Industry life cycle
- Inferential statistics
- Inferior good
- Inflationary gap
- Inflation-linked bonds
- Inflation premium
- Influence Analysis
- Influence plot
- Influential data point
- Influential point
- Information cascade
- Information-processing bias
- Initial margin
- Initial public offering
- Intangible assets
- Interest coverage ratio
- Interest-only loan
- Interest rate swap
- Interim reports
- Internal rate of return
- International Accounting Standards Board
- International Financial Reporting Standards
- International Fisher effect
- International Organisation of Securities Commissions
- International parity conditions
- Internet of Things
- Interpolated spread
- Interval scale
- In-the-money
- Inventory adjustments
- Inventory equation
- Inventory turnover ratio
- Inverse floaters
- Investing activities
- Investing and financing ratio
- Investing cash flow
- Investment bank
- Investment grade bonds
- Investment Policy Statement
- IoT
- I-spread
- January effect
- Jensen's Alpha
- Joint hypothesis test
- Joint probability
- Joint probability table
- Junk bonds
- Justified P/E
- Just-in-time
- Keynesian
- Keynesian Theory
- Key rate duration
- Kondratieff wave
- Kurtosis
- K-Wave
- Laddering strategy
- Law of one price
- Lead underwriter
- Lease classification criteria
- Least squares method
- Leptokurtic distribution
- Letter of credit
- Level of confidence
- Level of significance
- Leverage
- Leveraged buyout
- Leveraged instruments
- Leveraged position
- Leverage ratios
- Liabilities
- Life-cycle stages
- LIFO liquidation
- LIFO method
- LIFO reserve
- Limited partner
- Limited partnership
- Limited partnership
- Limit order
- Limit order terminology
- Line chart
- Line graph
- Linkers
- Liquidity
- Liquidity-based balance sheet
- Liquidity premium
- Liquidity ratios
- Loan-to-value Ratio
- Lockup period
- Logarithmic scale
- Logistic regression
- Logit model
- Log scale
- London Interbank Offered Rate
- Long-lived assets
- Long-term debt-to-equity ratio
- Loss aversion
- Loss aversion bias
- Loss severity
- M2
- Macaulay duration
- MacDur
- Machine Learning
- Maintenance margin
- Make-whole bond
- Make-whole call provision
- Managed futures funds
- Management buy-in
- Management buyout
- Management fee
- Management’s discussion and analysis
- Margin account
- Marginal cost
- Marginal Cost of Capital Schedule
- Marginal probability
- Marginal Propensity to Consume
- Marginal revenue
- Margin call
- Margin loan
- Marketable securities
- Market cap weighting
- Market discount rate
- Market liquidity risk
- Market order
- Market value of equity
- Market yield
- Master Limited Partnerships
- Matching principle
- Matching strategy
- Matrix pricing
- Maturity premium
- Maturity risk premium
- Maturity value
- MCC Schedule
- MD&A
- Mean absolute deviation
- Mean regression sum of squares
- Mean reversion
- Mean reverting level
- Mean squared error
- Measurement scale
- Median
- Medium-term note
- Mental accounting bias
- Mesokurtic distribution
- Mezzanine bond
- Mezzanine financing
- Mezzanine tranche
- Minimum variance frontier
- Minimum variance portfolio
- Minority equity investing
- Minority interest
- Mismatching strategy
- ML
- ModDur
- Mode
- Modified duration
- Momentum oscillator
- Monetarist
- Monetarist Theory
- Monetary policy
- Monetary Transmission Mechanism
- Money duration
- Money market instruments
- Money Market Yield
- Money multiplier
- Moneyness
- Money Neutrality
- Money-weighted rate of return
- Money-weighted return
- Monopolistic Competition
- Monopoly
- Monte Carlo Simulation
- Mortgage pass-through security
- Mosaic theory
- Moving average
- Moving-average convergence/divergence
- M-squared
- Multilateral Trading Facilities
- Multi-market index
- Multinomial formula
- Multi-step income statement
- Municipal bonds
- Munis
- Mutual fund
- Mutual fund cash position
- Mutual funds
- Mutually exclusive events
- Mutually exclusive projects
- Nash Equilibrium
- Natural Language Processing
- Negative screening
- Neoclassical
- Neoclassical Theory
- Net book value
- Net income
- Net Operating Income
- Net pension asset
- Net pension liability
- Net PP&E
- Net present value
- Net Profit Margin
- Net realisable value
- Neutral interest rate
- Neutral rate of interest
- New Classical
- New Classical Theory
- Nominal GDP
- Nominal risk-free rate
- Nominal scale
- Non-agency RMBS
- Non-cash Charges
- Non-controlling interest
- Nonconventional cash flow
- Non-cumulative preference shares
- Non-current assets
- Non-current liabilities
- Non-cyclical companies
- Non-deliverable forwards
- Non-investment grade bonds
- Non-operating items
- Nonparametric test
- Non-participating preference shares
- Non-recourse loan
- Non-recurring items
- Non-sovereign bonds
- Non-sovereign government bonds
- Nonsystematic risk
- Normal distribution
- Normal good
- Notching
- Notes payable
- Notice period
- Null hypothesis
- Number of days of inventory
- Number of days of payables
- Number of days of receivables
- Offer price
- Off-market forward contract
- Oligopoly
- One-tailed hypothesis test
- On-the-run bonds
- Open-end fund
- Open-end mutual funds
- Open interest
- Operating activities
- Operating activities
- Operating breakeven point
- Operating cash flow
- Operating Income
- Operating items
- Operating lease
- Operating Profit Margin
- Operating risk
- Operating ROA
- Option-adjusted price
- Option-adjusted spread
- Option-adjusted yield
- Option contract
- Option-free bonds
- Option premium
- Order-driven market
- Ordinal scale
- Ordinary Annuity
- Ordinary shares
- Other comprehensive income
- Other income
- Out-of-the-money
- Overcollateralisation
- Overconfidence bias
- Overfitting
- Overfitting
- Over-the-counter markets
- Owners' equity
- Own-price Elasticity of Demand
- Paasche index
- Paired comparisons test
- Paired samples test
- Par curve
- Partial duration
- Partially amortising loan
- Participating preference shares
- Participation instruments
- Par value
- Passive short-term investment strategy
- Pass-through rate
- Payables turnover ratio
- Payback period
- Payment date
- P/B ratio
- P/CF ratio
- Pecking order theory
- Peer group
- PE fund
- Pension obligation
- P/E ratio
- Perfect Competition
- Performance ratios
- Period costs
- Period costs
- Periodic inventory system
- Periodicity
- Permanent differences
- Permissioned networks
- Permissionless networks
- Permutation formula
- Perpetual inventory system
- Perpetuities
- Personal Disposable Income
- Pie graph
- Plain vanilla bond
- Plain vanilla swap
- Planned Amortisation Class CMO
- Platykurtic distribution
- Point and figure chart
- Point estimate
- Policy rate
- Pooled investment vehicles
- Pooled variance test
- Population
- Population mean
- Population parameter
- Population standard deviation
- Population variance
- Porter’s Five Forces
- Portfolio company
- Portfolio return
- Portfolio standard deviation
- Portfolio variance
- Positive screening
- Potential GDP
- PP&E
- Preference shares
- Preferred shares
- Preferred stock
- Premium amortisation
- Prepaid expense
- Prepayment
- Prepayment risk
- Present value
- Present value models
- Pretax Margin
- Price index
- Price return
- Price return index
- Price-to-book ratio
- Price-to-cashflow ratio
- Price-to-earnings ratio
- Price-to-sales ratio
- Price Value per Basis Point
- Price weighting
- Primary bond markets
- Primary capital markets
- Primary markets
- Prime brokers
- Prime loans
- Principal–agent relationship
- Private equity fee structure
- Private equity fund
- Private investment in public equity
- Private placement
- Producer price index
- Producer surplus
- Product costs
- Profitability index
- Profitability ratios
- Profit and loss statement
- Project Beta
- Property plant and equipment
- Protective put
- Proxy statements
- P/S ratio
- Public offering
- Public Securities Association Prepayment Benchmark
- Purchasing power parity
- Pure discount bond
- Pure-play method
- Putable bond
- Putable bonds
- Put–call–forward parity
- Put-call parity
- Put/call ratio
- Put option
- Put provision
- Quantile
- Quantity Theory of Money
- Quasi-government bonds
- Quick ratio
- Quotas
- Quote-driven market
- Random variable
- Rate of change oscillator
- Ratio scale
- Real Estate Investment Trust
- Real estate performance indices
- Real estate valuation
- Real GDP
- Real return
- Real risk-free interest rate
- Real risk-free rate
- Rebalancing
- Receivables turnover ratio
- Recessionary gap
- Recourse loan
- Recoverable amount
- Recovery rate
- Rectangle pattern
- Registered bonds
- Regression analysis
- Regression sum of squares
- Regret-aversion bias
- Reinvestment ratio
- Reinvestment return
- Reinvestment risk
- REIT index
- REIT valuation
- Relative cumulative frequency distribution
- Relative strength analysis
- Relative strength index
- Replication
- Repo
- Repo margin
- Repo rate
- Representativeness bias
- Repurchase agreement
- Required margin
- Required rate of return
- Reserve account
- Reserve currency
- Reserve requirement
- Residual tranche
- Residual value
- Resistance level
- Retained earnings
- Retention rate
- Return on Assets
- Return on capital ratio
- Return on common equity
- Return on Equity
- Return on total capital ratio
- Revaluation model
- Revenue
- Revenue bonds
- Revenue recognition standards
- Reversal pattern
- Reverse repo
- Reverse repurchase agreement
- Reverse stock split
- Ricardian Equivalence
- Risk averse
- Risk aversion
- Risk-free rate
- Risk management framework
- Risk management process
- Risk neutral
- Risk-neutral pricing
- Risk-neutral pseudo probability
- Risk premium
- Risk seeking
- Robo advisor
- Rollover risk
- Roll yield
- Roy’s safety-first ratio
- R-squared
- Sales risk
- Sales-type lease
- Sample
- Sample kurtosis
- Sample mean
- Sample selection bias
- Sample-size neglect
- Sample skewness
- Sample standard deviation
- Sample statistic
- Sample variance
- Scatter plot
- Schwarz.s Bayesian information criteria
- Seasoned offering
- Secondary bond markets
- Secondary capital markets
- Secondary issue
- Secondary markets
- Sector index
- Secured bonds
- Secured debt
- Securitisation
- Security Market Line
- Security Selection
- Self-control bias
- Semi-strong-form efficient market
- Seniority ranking
- Sequential Pay CMO
- Serial bond issue
- Serial Correlation
- Serial maturity structure
- Settlement date
- Settlement date
- Settlement price
- Share repurchase
- Sharpe ratio
- Shelf registration
- Shortfall risk
- Short interest ratio
- Short-term financing
- Significance level
- Simple capital structure
- Simple random sampling
- Simple yield
- Single Monthly Mortality
- Single-step income statement
- Sinking fund arrangements
- Sinking fund provisions
- Skewed distribution
- Skewness
- Soft commission
- Soft dollars
- Sole proprietorship
- Solvency ratios
- Sovereign bonds
- Spearman rank correlation coefficient
- Special dividend
- Special purpose entity
- Special Purpose Vehicle
- Specific identification method
- Split coupon bond
- Sponsored Depository Receipt
- Sponsored DR
- Spot curve
- Spot exchange rate
- Spot-forward pricing relationship
- Spot price
- Spot rates
- Spread risk
- Stacked column graph
- Stagflation
- Staggered board
- Standard error of estimate
- Statement of cash flow
- Statement of changes in equity
- Statement of owners. equity
- Static trade-off theory
- Status quo bias
- Statutory tax rate
- Statutory voting
- Step-up coupon bonds
- Stochastic oscillator
- Stock dividend
- Stockholders. equity
- Stock split
- Stop-loss order
- Stop order
- Straight bonds
- Straight line amortisation method
- Straight-line method
- Strategic asset allocation
- Stratified random sampling
- Strike price
- Stripped bond
- Stripped curve
- Strong-form efficient market
- Multicollinearity
- Root Mean Squared Error Criterion
- Structural subordination
- Structural Unemployment
- Structured data
- Structured financial instruments
- Studentized residual
- Style index
- Subordination
- Subprime loans
- Sum of squared errors
- Sunk cost
- Supervised learning
- Support level
- Supranational bonds
- Surety bond
- Survivorship bias
- Sustainable growth rate
- Swap contract
- Symmetrical triangle
- Syndicated loans
- Syndicated offering
- Systematic risk
- Tactical asset allocation
- Tariffs
- Taxable income
- Tax base
- Taxes payable
- Tax loss carry forward
- Tax shield
- Technical analysis
- Temporary differences
- Terms of Trade
- Test statistic
- Timberland
- Time period bias
- Time-Series Analysis
- Time tranching
- Time value
- Time value of money
- Time-weighted rate of return
- Tokenisation
- Total asset turnover ratio
- Total comprehensive income
- Total debt-to-equity ratio
- Total probability rule
- Total return
- Total return index
- Trading securities
- Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities
- Treasury stock
- Tree map
- Treynor measure
- Treynor ratio
- Triangular arbitrage
- Trimmed mean
- Triple top
- True yield
- Trust deed
- t-statistic
- Turn-of-the-year effect
- Two-sample t-test
- Two-tailed hypothesis test
- Type I error
- Type II error
- Unconditional probability
- Uncovered interest rate parity
- Underemployed
- Underfitting
- Underwritten offering
- Unearned revenue
- Unemployment Rate
- Units-of-production method
- Unit trust
- Unsecured bonds
- Unsecured debt
- Unsponsored Depository Receipt
- Unsponsored DR
- Unstructured data
- Unsupervised learning
- Unsystematic risk
- Unusual or infrequent items
- US Commercial Paper
- Useful life
- US Securities and Exchange Commission
- US Treasury bonds
- Validity instructions
- Valuation allowance
- Valuation ratios
- Value at risk
- Value weighting
- VaR
- Variable costs
- Variance
- Variance Inflation Factor
- VC
- Veblen good
- Venture capital
- Voluntary Export Restraints
- WCInv
- Weak-form efficient market hypothesis
- Weighted Average Cost of Capital
- Weighted mean
- Winsorized mean
- Working capital
- Working Capital Investments
- Working capital turnover ratio
- Yield curve
- Yield enhancement instruments
- Yield spread
- Yield-to-call
- Yield-to-maturity
- Yield-to-worst
- Zero-coupon bond
- Zero curve
- Zero volatility spread
- Z-spread
- z-statistic