Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis

Unlock the Secrets of Financial Statement Analysis for the CFA Level 1 Exam

Ready to unravel the mysteries of financial statement analysis? Buckle up for a thrilling ride through balance sheets, income statements, and more! In this overview, we’ll walk you through the essentials to help you become a financial sleuth. Let’s get started!

PRE: Major Financial Statements

Discover the art of financial statement analysis, explore the intricacies of balance sheets, income statements, and beyond, and decode the cryptic messages in footnotes and management’s discussion and analysis.

► Embark on a financial adventure here.

Financial Statement Analysis Framework

Dive into the financial statement analysis framework and emerge as a financial maestro, orchestrating powerful insights with ease.

► Conduct your financial symphony here.

Standard Setting Bodies

Whip out your financial dictionary, because we’re diving into the world of standard-setting bodies, such as the IASB and FASB, and how they enforce consistency in financial reporting with the help of regulatory authorities like the SEC and ESMA. Remember, a well-organized financial world is a happy financial world!

► Get your financial superhero cape on and join us for the next lesson on the IFRS framework here.

Auditor’s Report and Other Sources of Information

Embark on a journey through auditor’s reports and other goldmines of information, turning you into the ultimate financial detective.

► Investigate financial mysteries here.

Comparison of IFRS with Alternative Financial Reporting Systems

Leap into the world of financial reporting standards convergence, where IASB and FASB are playing the ultimate game of “Can’t We All Just Get Along?” While you’re there, learn the ropes of interpreting financial statements as an analyst, and keep an eye on company disclosures for those juicy details!

► Dive deeper into the enchanting realm of financial statements here.

The IFRS Framework

Get ready to dive headfirst into the IFRS framework, where we’ll befriend essential reporting elements, shake hands with underlying assumptions, and even dance with the constraints and trade-offs of financial statements. Oh, and we’ll also meet IAS 1, the gatekeeper of financial statement structure and content!

► Buckle up and continue the adventure into convergence, comparison, and evolution of financial reporting standards here.