Financial Statement Analysis for CFA Level 1: Unlock the Secrets of Financial Reports

In this section, we’ll dive into the Financial Statement Analysis topic of the CFA Level 1 exam, guiding you through each reading to help you unlock the secrets of financial reports. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and start dissecting those financial statements!

1. Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis

Venture into the world of financial statement analysis, taking a deep dive into balance sheets, income statements, and beyond. This journey will help you decipher the concealed messages in footnotes and management’s discussion and analysis, morphing you into a financial detective.

2. Analysing Income Statements

Income statements provide a comprehensive overview of a company’s financial health, breaking down revenues, expenses, and other critical financial elements. The knowledge of various components and their recognition methods such as revenue, inventory expenses, depreciation, and amortization allows for more detailed analysis. Mastery of earnings per share (EPS), both basic and diluted, along with the understanding of non-recurring and non-operating items, common-size and ratio analysis, and comprehensive income are key to accurate financial statement analysis.

3. Analysing Balance Sheets

A balance sheet is a snapshot of a company’s financial status, detailing its assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity. The ability to dissect and understand the various components, including current and non-current assets and liabilities, as well as comprehend the concept of owner’s equity, is crucial. Furthermore, the ability to analyze balance sheets, particularly through liquidity and solvency ratios and common-size analysis, provides valuable insights into an entity’s financial stability.

4. Analysing Cash Flow Statements

Cash flow statements, with their unique capacity to capture the movement of money through a business, serve as critical financial tools. A thorough understanding of the principles and classifications of cash flows, as well as the methods of presenting these cash flows, is key to navigating these statements. Developing the ability to analyze cash flow statements, understanding sources and uses of cash, free cash flow, and cash flow ratios, can reveal important insights about a company’s financial health and performance.

5. Analysis of Inventories

Inventory topics are an essential aspect of financial accounting, and a solid understanding of them is vital for your success. Through this journey, you’ll master inventory accounting, explore various inventory valuation methods, and delve into the specifics of the LIFO method. By the end of it, you’ll be well equipped to tackle any inventory-related question or task that comes your way.

6. Analysis of Long-Term Assets

Welcome aboard the long-lived assets express, where you’ll explore the fundamentals of capitalisation, depreciation, amortisation, and the methods of dealing with impairments, revaluation, and derecognition. With these tools in your arsenal, you’ll have a firm grip on this crucial aspect of financial accounting and analysis.

7. Topics in Long-Term Liabilities and Equity

Embark on a captivating journey through the world of non-current liabilities, a critical component in understanding a company’s long-term financial health. You’ll start with an in-depth exploration of bonds, then navigate the complexity of leases, followed by the intricacies of pension plans. Finally, you’ll climb the heights of solvency ratios, decoding the company’s ability to meet long-term obligations.

  • PRE: Bonds I: Get a firm grasp of bond issuance, covering key components, financial statement effects, and bond amortization methods.
  • PRE: Bonds II: Delve deeper into the world of bonds, learning about issuance costs, debt covenants, and the necessary financial statement presentations and disclosures.
  • Leases: Unravel the complexities of lease accounting, from finance to operating leases, their presence on balance sheets, and the differences under IFRS and US GAAP.
  • Pension Plans: Understand the workings of defined contribution and benefit plans, along with their respective financial reporting requirements.
  • Share-based Compensation: Get to grips with the essentials of share-based compensation, from stock options to performance shares, and their role in financial analysis.

8. Analysis of Income Taxes

Dive into the captivating universe of deferred taxes, an essential element of financial accounting that can significantly influence a company’s financial health. In this journey, you’ll first understand the disparities between financial accounting and tax reporting, and later, you’ll uncover the effects of tax rate changes on financial statements. By the end of this exploration, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of deferred taxes.

9. Financial Reporting Quality

Immerse yourself in the critical domain of financial reporting quality, where understanding the intricacies can significantly influence financial decision-making. Get to grips with the pivotal concepts of financial reporting quality and the factors that may prompt management to opt for low-quality reporting. Next, put on your detective hat and delve into the intrigue of accounting bias and earnings manipulation, learning to spot the signs.

  • Financial Reporting Quality Concepts: Gain insights into distinguishing high-quality earnings from temporary ones, comprehend the varied motivations for low-quality financial reporting, and get acquainted with disciplinary actions.
  • Accounting Bias and Earnings Manipulation: Explore the maze of biased reporting, get versed in various earnings manipulation techniques, and learn to identify the warning signs of potential manipulation.

10. Financial Analysis Techniques

Financial analysis techniques are key to understanding a company’s performance and guiding decision-making. These techniques encompass everything from the financial statement analysis framework to ratio analysis, common-size analysis, and more. Additionally, understanding and interpreting various financial ratios, including activity, liquidity, solvency, and profitability ratios, as well as gaining proficiency in equity and credit analysis, will provide a comprehensive perspective of a company’s financial standing.

11. Introduction to Financial Statement Modeling

Get ready to explore the essentials of financial statement modeling, where you’ll grasp the impact of inflation and deflation on business operations and dive into the nitty-gritty of long-term forecasting. This is your ticket to understanding the dynamics of financial predictions and strategic planning in finance.

12. [Prerequisite] Financial Statement Analysis – Applications

Venture into the captivating sphere of financial statement analysis applications. Kickstart your journey with the analysis of past performance and the forecasting of future outcomes using essential financial tools. Then, polish your detective skills with credit quality assessment and equity screening, and finally, master the art of adjusting financial statements for comparability.

Wrapping Up: Mastering Financial Statement Analysis for CFA Level 1

And there you have it – a comprehensive breakdown of the Financial Statement Analysis topic in the CFA Level 1 exam! Remember to stay focused, practice plenty of questions, and enjoy the process of uncovering the stories hidden within financial statements. After all, who said finance couldn’t be a thrilling adventure? Good luck, and may your financial analysis skills guide you to CFA success!