Fixed-Income Markets for Corporate Issuers

Unpack the essentials of fixed-income markets for corporate issuers, where you’ll navigate through the strategies behind short-term funding, the mechanics of repurchase agreements, and the pivotal role of long-term corporate debt. This lesson offers a comprehensive understanding of how corporations engage with the fixed-income market to optimize their financial strategies and structure.

Short-Term Funding for Banks

Who’s ready to rock the world of short-term banking finance? We’ll be decoding the complex lingo of retail deposits, certificates of deposit, reserve funds, interbank funds, and repurchase agreements. Warning: high chances of becoming a banking superstar after this lesson!

► Ready to conquer the finance world? Start here.

Repurchase Agreements

Jump into the fast-paced world of repurchase agreements (repos), a cornerstone of short-term financing where securities are sold with a promise to buy back later. This lesson will illuminate the mechanics, benefits, and risks of repos, giving you the tools to understand their critical role in financial liquidity and risk management.

Dive deeper into the world of repos and reverse repos here.

Long-Term Corporate Debt

Dive into the depths of corporate debt to understand how companies use long-term obligations to fuel growth, with a special focus on the nuances between investment-grade bonds and high-yield risks. You’ll grasp the strategic financial leverage that shapes a corporation’s future.

Learn more about navigating the corporate debt landscape here.